are you a fucked up bitch?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

puss and boots ( thats me!)

a long time back, me ryan and alex (fag pack) approached some officers as they were eating. entranced i was with their boots. they weren't exactly nice. they looked hella annoyed that we were even talking to them, and they could not stomach their food with the thought of possible homo's fashioning police boots. they told me their shoes were around $400, thinking that would steer us away. to add insult to injury, i said " not bad at all!! omg i looooovee them!" and squealed in my best, most obnoxious spoiled little brat voice. hehehe.
I LOVE BOOTS. im watching the negotiator in the background, and amidst the chaos i remembered this particularly fashion/anti-homo moment.

fuck the police, but gosh darnit them boots is hot!!!

what is thinspiration?

sometimes my anorexic musings go too far. living in l.a., loving fashion the way i do, causes me much angst in my obsession with being thin. i do not promote anorexia, only ten pounds above it!
however, HOWEVER, i do think that being too thin is disgusting. when my envy dissipates and horror sets in, too thin is when, well, its when u look like amy winehouse but worse. its when you look like parisian face nasty bod.

i found a site that claims to not promote thinspiration, but unfortunately they really praise the models that look like they are suffering...sacrificing their being for anorexia.

this is model natasha poly, who is "currently high fashion’s #1 model...To be on top requires an enormous amount of hard work, dedication and weight control."

and this is a model they think needs to lose some weight, bc "her arms lack definition".

the site in question is Their banner at the top is a slogan pulled from Proana, worlds largest proana support center. (support center meaning encouraging anorexic and bulimic behaviors)

"Nothing looks as good as thin feels."

(i'll never have to be hungry all the fucking time. i just saw a picture of a cupcake and now i really really really want to eat a cupcake. Nothing feels as hungry as thin feels...thats more my motto).

my fucked up thoughts

haha this wont even be that bad.

one of the worst things of being a -crack-cocaine-fueled-anorexic is that even 3 days of eating (which are usually binge fests) after doing no drugs begins to change your look. like...well, ur stomach is a bloated mess and sadly your face bloats and your once hot gaunt face is now chubby.

i jacked these pics from d-listed. he's pointing out something else, im specifically talking about her chubbier face, fuller arms, and bloated ass belly!!!

havent really posted about amy winehouse in awhile. after her last collapse/stay in the hospital, she was diagnose with the early stages of emphysema. UGH!

a long time back

hello everyone, its been awhile. mainly everyone's a buzz over the current fashion shows that have now hit london. id rather post about random-er funny/stoopid shit, or talk about me. or both.
looong 4th of july in the sun. im so dehydrated and tired. jc was wearing his style uniform of black on black with doc martens, which brought up the very important topic of what dr martens i wanted to get. its a commitment to get them, bc i want to make sure the color is right. even as an 11 year child i remember how they made my feet look so big and manly. the colors ive been debating between are pink (its the teen vogue choice,) white, and neon green. however, i just saw a pair of the ones that call to me most, the ones that have that ugly man shape yet are the most feminine, the ones that subtly scream 90s grunge rock slut.

im ready to buy them RIGHT NOW however, they only come in size 5 and 8. what i dont remember is , do dr martens only come in mens sizes? bc then the 8s are actually tens. but these are womens shoes!! does anyone remember!?! help me.